Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Soviet Union

The Russian Revolution occurred during World War 1 in 1917. When the Russians were fighting the Central Powers in Europe, the home front was disintegrating. While fighting the war, the Russian leadership consisted of a Tsar that controlled all of the power and wealth in the country. As a result, there were large groups of Russians that were unhappy with the leadership. V.I. Lenin, the main leader of the opposition to the Tsar, would lead a successful revolution and create the first Communist country based upon the teachings of Karl Marx. The Soviet Union would later become a world super power, even challenging the United States in technology and arms. By 1990 the Soviet Union collapsed, leaving the remaining world super power, the United States, to move forward and make the planet safe for democracy and global business.
The Romanov Family w Tsar Nicholas II
They were all executed.
V.I. Lenin Leader of the Russian Communist Revolution
U.S.S.R. - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Although short lived as a government (1917-1990), the Soviet Union had some notable historical accomplishments worthy of mention. First, the Soviet Union created the first functioning Communist country where the government attempted to create a society where its citizens own the means to production, thus eliminating economic inequality. Or in other words, the Communist government eliminated private property and forced all citizens to cooperate for the benefit of the nation. Second, the Soviet Union spilled more blood in World War 2 than any other country to defeat Hitler and Nazi Germany. In 1942, Hitler's armies entered the Soviet Union under Operation Barbarossa to acquire land for the Germans. The Soviet leader, Stalin at this time, was able to rally the Russians and others to stop the Nazi onslaught. (Making the United States and Soviet Union temporary allies). Next, the Soviet Union had put both the first satellite (Sputnik) in space along with the first man (Yuri Gagarin) in space. Finally, the Soviet Union competed with the United States throughout the Cold War. On several occasions the United States and the Soviet Union nearly came to global thermonuclear war. During the 1980's United States President Ronald Reagan spoke his famous words, "Mr. Gorbachev, Bring down this wall." The quote echoed the struggle of the people under the Communist system. Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed and the Soviet Union peacefully collapsed in 1990, thus creating several new countries and ending the Cold War.
Soviet Union Communist Government

Nazi Invasion of Soviet Union - Operation Barbarossa
Stalin v. Hitler (World War 2)

Battle of Stalingrad - Soviet Union Victory
 Soviet Union Flag Over Berlin, Germany
Sputnik - First Satellite in Space - U.S.S.R.
Yuri Gagarin - First Human in Space - U.S.S.R.
Berlin Wall and the Collapse of European and Russian Communism
"Mr. Gorbachev, Bring Down This Wall!" - Ronald Reagan
The Consequences of a Hot War Avoided

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